Rank your Videos #1 organically in just 6 Easy Steps

Getting your videos to stand out from the crowd is essential. You don’t want all your hard work and effort to get buried under a pile of cute kitty videos. One of the best ways to bring your video to the top is to rank it in the search engines organically.

Rank your Videos #1 organically in just 6 Easy Steps

My name is Stanley Meytin and I am the Creative Director and founder of True Film Production. I would like to share six easy steps you can use to get your videos to rank #1.

Know what keywords you are targeting with each video.

Search engines rank web pages based on keywords, the words a searcher would type in when searching for a particular subject. Good SEO focuses on the keywords which will attract the target audience. That is true for written articles as well as marketing videos.

Host your own videos on your own domain.

It is so easy to upload a video to YouTube. However, you are not going to get any search engine power over a video ranked on YouTube. You want to apply the search engine power to your own domain, which increases the rank of every page on your site.

Give each video its own page.

Have you ever clicked on a page with a dozen embedded videos on it? It is difficult to find which one you want and frustration can build. Having each video on its own page allows you to get each page ranked instead of a single page for a dozen videos. So, 12 pages of search engine power instead of one.

Create a transcription of each video.

Search engines are not yet sophisticated enough to extract spoken words from each video and use them in their algorithms. A transcription gives the search engines something to scan. This is why it is so important to have the keywords in your video. Also, be sure your titles and metadata includes pertinent keywords.

Use YouTube to your advantage.

As stated before, posting videos to YouTube does not give your domain any search engine power. However, if you post preview videos on YouTube, and then use a call-to-action to link the previews back to the full version on your domain. This helps you leverage the power of YouTube while also building your domain’s search engine power.

Allow others to embed your videos into their websites with inbound links to your domain.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to ban anyone else from sharing your video content. With video marketing, you want to spread the word as far as possible. Just require that anyone that uses your video must have a link back to your video web page. This gives you inbound links, which build your search engine power.

I hope these tips will help your videos rank at #1. Producing videos with the intent of getting them to the top of the search engines is much better than creating videos without SEO in mind. If you need help with your video marketing, you can always contact me for assistance. I am Stanley Meytin and I am happy to help.